Roberto Battista

Roberto Battista

My passion for world cultures led me to work in international cooperation since 1981. After a few years as a photographer and video documentarist, I switched to digital communication, first on interactive CD Roms and then on the web. Since 1995 my work is mainly on the internet and consists of designing, producing and managing audiovisual content, documentaries, communication/training facilities and virtual environments, mainly for the United Nations and the World Bank, governments in developing countries and for the BBC, British Radio and Television.

For over ten years I was lecturer in Multimedia, Audiovisual Communication, Video and Digital Photography in several London Colleges. In parallel, I have continued to work in the creative field organising events combining music, visual arts, audience interaction and internet broadcasting, running courses and conferences, writing articles and producing short video documentaries.


It's all because of a fateful algorithm

In 2014 I moved to Italy and, 'due' to a fateful Google algorithm that suggested places matching my requirements, I eventually ended up in Umbria, in Sellano, where I bought a medieval convent. I developed cultural and educational activities for children and young people, founded a cultural association, and was gradually involved in the development process of the area. Elected town councillor in 2019, I dedicated myself to the project of reviving and repopulating the ancient village, developing projects that helped obtain funds for a series of initiatives aimed at creating opportunities and bringing life back to these long-forgotten areas.

The Tibetan bridge is, among these, the one intended to act as a spark to rekindle interest in this area rich in natural and historical resources, with its unspoilt landscape and intact ancient villages.

And then I ended up on tv with 'Help! We Bought a Village'.  

In 2022, I received an invitation from UK’s Channel 4, which I accepted with great pleasure, to document my project to restore the medieval convent I bought when I moved to Umbria, in Sellano. The series 'Help! We bought a Village'  follows the adventures of intrepid British citizens who bought ancient settlements, properties and cortijos abroad and the vicissitudes they face over time to bring them back to life.


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